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Camera movement and editing


Blog tasks:

1) Pick three aspects of camera movement in the Minority Report clip. Identify the type of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene and what effect it has on the audience.
  • Since everything was happening so quickly, they frequently employed a whip pan, which is really a quicker form of a pan, to arouse audience suspense and create tension. This indicates that the scene's major, thrilling event is going to take place.
  • Additionally, they employed the track or dolly camera movement, which is essentially a moving camera. This highlights the fact that the situation is one of pursuit, and it also suggests how quickly the pursuit is moving, adding to the excitement.
  • In order to highlight the dramatic action occurring in this scene, the crane shot was also employed. Because of the high angle shot and dramatic irony used in the scenario, it indicates that something is happening.

      2) Pick two aspects of editing in the Minority Report clip and write about what effect it has on the audience.

  • The editing was done at a rapid rate; for instance, there were quick cuts throughout the chase and when the group discovered the victim, surrounded him, and brandished their weapons. The spectators are excited to see the scene because of this.
  • Rapid editing was used, as shown in the fast cuts that occurred during the pursuit and when the group found the victim, surrounded him, and raised their guns. For this reason, the audience members are eager to see the scene.

      3) Finally, revise last week's work on camerawork by picking out two shots or camera angles in the clip that                  communicate meaning to the audience .

  •   A exciting sense of tension is created for the audience by the use of numerous high angles to depict the dramatic actions in the scene. In order to demonstrate that the main character is in control of his actions, a low viewpoint was also employed when he leaps off the building.
  • The murderer, who is the primary character, had his thoughts and feelings about what to do next displayed in a close-up of his face. The moment the man on the train was reading a newspaper and making eye contact with the murderer was also captured in an over-the-shoulder image. This gives the impression that the person the man was looking at was about to become criminal.

