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Advertising: Key conventions

  Introduction to advertising: blog task

 Look at this Skittles advert:

Part 1: Skittles advert analysis

1) What key conventions of print adverts can you find and what are the connotations or deeper meanings of each convention? For each convention, write about how it communicates meaning to the audience. See the Maltesers advert above for an example of how to do this.

  • The slogan is an example of a persuasive method in action since it demands of the audience that they purchase the product. Since it is a rainbow motif, it also ties in with the colour scheme.
  •  Setting/color scheme: The background is an image of the sky, which serves a function since the rainbow-coloured colour scheme alludes to rainbows that are seen in the sky. Furthermore, the rainbow colour scheme is explicitly displayed as a whimsical selection of hues, serving to identify the colours of the product itself (skittles come in a rainbow of colours).
  • Images of the product and logo: The advertisement's main image is a photo of the product with the logo shown in the centre. To help it stand out more, the phrase and the logo type are somewhat similar. Finally, the claim that the fruit is unique is made on the product's packaging, which entices the viewer to buy the item and continue reading the commercial.

2) What is the USP (unique selling point) for Skittles and how do you know? Does the advert use any of persuasive techniques listed above?

The tagline, in my opinion, is the product's USP (unique selling point) since it is both necessary and demands that the audience buy the product in order to experience happ iness. Additionally, the fruit flavour is
 stated as original, which gives the public more confidence to purchase the goods.

Use Google images to research classic adverts. Find examples for the
following and add them to your blog:

1) An advert with a clear brand identity

2) An advert that uses shock tactics or a controversial idea

3) An advert that creates a a strong emotional connection to the audience
